I don’t know a lot, there haven’t been many females in generations, you are the first firstborn | have actually met, but there is a lot of blood loss and it can only be replaced by a blood relative. With your mother not knowing her history, she didn’t know to be prepared. The blood your pack doctors were giving her didn’t work because it couldn’t, that’s why they couldn’t save her.”
He hung his head again rubbing his eyes like telling the story was taking a toll on him.
| took a deep breath, there really was nothing he could do.
My mother and grandmother were in hiding. I wonder if my grandmother survived childbirth on her own and if she did how? Questions for another day, but I would get those answers eventually. Right now, I need to comfort the King who seems to think he wronged me somehow.
“There was nothing you could do, they were in hiding because we, apparently, have crazy family members that seem to think dissecting us releases magical powers that they can pick up like in a video game.” He huffed, but | saw a crack of a smile, so I went on. “At least you found me now, and you can train me and we can do whatever we need to to fight the ‘bad half’ of the family. We need a new name for them, that just sounds cartoonish.” He finally laughed at me, breaking the tension.
“Speaking of fancy names and bad family members, we have a lead on all of the seemingly random attacks that have been going on in the kingdom. The attacks that we have been fending off is the work of the Rogue King, as he is calling himself.”
| rolled my eyes and Alpha Reggie smiled at me. “I believe the attacks on packs in our kingdom are under his orders as well. I only recently got confirmation that the Rogue King is Vincent’s son, I don’t even know his name.
He has been attacking packs for years taking on members willingly or by force and taking almost as many prisoners, mostly female. Now | know why, he’s searching for the special abilities from the Alpha bloodline. There also was a prediction that was made to my great-great grandfather about one of our females possessing all of the special abilities and would make her mate the strongest Alpha, strong enough to rival the Alpha King. She would be forged under fire, grow in battle, could tame any Alpha without force, people would naturally turn to her as a leader.” He looks over at me. “What?! That could be anybody. That could be Luna Anne, I’ve seen the way people jump to attention for her.” I waggled my finger at him. “The prediction also said she would be small but mighty, coming into her abilities before the age of fifteen.” He raised his eyebrows at me. “That only happened because I was whipped and left for dead. If my wolf hadn’t come | never would have healed and even then it took two days.” | said feeling a little defeated at having to bring this up and explain again. “I’m not special.”
“Oh, no?”
| shook my head. “Do you know why your scars are still there? The ones that had the silver put in them.” | shook my head no. “Any other wolf would have had blood poisoning with the amount used on you, they would have died long before being dumped in the woods. The amateur who did that to you will answer to me, by the way.” He looked deadly for just a moment. “Your body’s ability to take silver and wolfsbane and keep it out of your bloodstream is unheard of. You saved yourself, even before your wolf showed up.
Your body seems to encapsulate the silver and wolfsbane at the smallest level. I cannot make it sound as smart as Doc Ganon does, but the gist is your body works like a duck’s feathers do against water, they are completely waterproof, you seem to be poison proof. Your scars have encapsulated the silver that was put on your body, but it was only so strong so any time the scar was opened up you would bleed as if it was fresh. The docs have removed alll the silver, so that should no longer be a problem for you.”