“There’s a lot she needs to work on. I evaluated her ropes course this morning, and she barely survived it. Are we sure she should even be here?” Audrina chimes in. I notice Warrior Osiston is nowhere near hearing distance.
“Why did you assess her? Her ropes course was already documented and I don’t recall assigning that task to you or anyone else.” He looks sternly a her and I want nothing to do with this conversation.
“None of the warriors saw her assessment. How was I supposed to know that it had been completed? Usually the floor leaders run the assessments and the whole compound witnesses.” She shrugs.
“So you chose to assess me at five in the morning with no witnesses to right that wrong? Good to know.” I look at her and Warrior Nickolas raises his eyebrows and looks between the two of us.
“Really Audrina?” He just stares at her.
“She isn’t at all of the training, so I utilized the time I had. She’s too young and green to be here, so young her training load had to be lightened. I needed to know what I was going to be forced to work with. She’s on my floor and a part of my team and I don’t need anyone holding us back.” A low grumble comes from his chest. He clearly doesn’t like being told what to do by a trainee. His eyes go vacant for a minute while he mindlinks with someone.
“Gather up!” Warrior Osiston’s deep gravelly voice thundered around the group.
I can tell this is not something normally done as everyone is looking around while they are tentatively moving as a mass towards him. “Apparently some of you like to run your mouths and question authority. You are given the information you need to go about your business and become a better warrior that the Alpha King can rely on. You are not privy to all information at all times and you do not have the right to all information at all times. At any given time a third of you have orders that do not coincide with the rest of the team. Get over yourselves, do what is asked or you can go back to wherever you came from if you really need to be nosy nellies. Now get to your next session. Skylar you stay with me, apparently you’ve already done your ropes course for the day.” Warrior Osiston starts to walk off and there is a whole lot of murmuring of what that was about. So much for not gossiping. I caught up to Warrior Osiston. “I can do the course again. I don’t want anyone else thinking I’m getting special treatment. That seems to be the consensus. That and I apparently had to sleep with people to get here.”
“You don’t have to prove anything to anyone, Little One. You’re new and it’s rare that anyone comes in this late to training. You will be of interest to most of them for a couple weeks, then you will just be one of the trainees.”
“I want to train with my group, if that’s an option. I have to learn to trust these people, even the less than helpful ones, and they have to learn to work with me. I’m not trying to prove anything, not really, not like that. I have to prove myself to be accepted here, it’s the only way.”
“If you say so, let’s go.” He changes direction and heads towards the ropes course. Once we get there he looks over at me. “So, normally, we break down the ropes obstacles and do different team building exercises. Today we are working the bridges.”