We dump all of my stuff on my desk and head down to the canteen for dinner. As requested I am early enough to be close to the front of the line, and here before Audrina. That wasn’t good enough of course.
“You were asked to be with me for dinner tonight, that includes standing in line. Can’t you follow a simple instruction? How did you even convince Warrior Brogen to allow you to come here? Move. Now!” Audrina snarls from about ten people behind us.
Lillian moves to do or say something, but just like Wyatt, I stop her. This has to be my fight. She is clearly trying to find a weakness to exploit and she won’t use my new friends as one.
“Actually what you said was to be early to the line and that I have to sit with you during dinner, which I am more than happy to comply with. You did not mention in your instructions where in the line I needed to stand, so I will remain here and wait for you to show us to our seats.” I just turn around and face the front of the ine again. This is going to get real old, real fast.
We make it through the line doing our best to ignore Audrina and her friends, who are all making little comments under their breath. I love the variety of food we get. Everything from Steak and mashed potatoes to tacos to sushi. There is something for everyone and a TON of it. There is rarely much left over too. The kitchen Omegas are miracle workers.
I get the basic idea of what a day full of training is like in a rapid fire from Nathaniel while in line. Wyatt must have explained what Drina tried to do to my school schedule and wanted to make sure I knew what was really going on before she tried to set me up again.
“Basically, we all start together first thing. We get announcements, find out about any missions that are up for grabs, things like that.” “Wait, we get to volunteer for missions?”
“Sometimes. If they want to train people in a certain skill or have simple recon or protection details they will let us sign up. For the more intense missions specific people with specific skill sets are assigned and it’s not an option.”
“Have any of you been on missions yet?”
“No, we are all still on probation, just like you.” Wyatt bumps my shoulder. “But we do get to start going out into the community soon and helping around the Royal Pack territory. We will also start doing patrols soon too. It’s all decided by the warrior leaders and the elder council.”
“Ah, well hopefully I can do the territory missions and patrols with you guys. I hate missing out on stuff.”
Lillian just laughs at me. “You’re here three years sooner than you should be, we figured that out.” I just smile back at her.
We get to the end of the line and I decide to stop pushing my luck with Audrina and wait with my plate while my friends, slowly, walk away. Lillian said they would try and stay close, just in case, but if they sit anywhere near her usual table she’ll probably steer us in another direction. This is so stupid, it’s worse than the petty high school interactions I used to watch from a distance back home.
“Let’s go, newbie.” I follow Audrina and two other girls who are wearing the same look of distaste on their faces as she is. This should be super fun. We walked over to the table Lillian had pointed out before as ‘their’ table in the middle of the canteen. This is clearly a place given a wide berth from the rest of the warriors.
There’s enough space to fit ten wolves here and it’s just the three of them, now four including me. I make a move to sit on one of the benches. “Not there, that’s my seat.” The darker brunette says to me. So I go to slide over on the bench.