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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates Chapter 151 by Miss L

I forget that you and Kaley are cousins. That’s so weird to process. Hold that thought though, I need to shower and I assume you are my escort to school? Give me ten minutes.

“Here, Luna Ava wanted me to bring you this and said ‘corne home as soon as you’re ready.’ She probably figures you don’t have anything left here.

He holds out a bag I didn’t even notice before.

She’s not wrong. My hasty escape to my childhood prison did not involve bringing supplies, like a change of clothes.

I take the bag and just nod my head before running up the stairs two at a time. I am done in record time and had to laugh at what Luna Ava packed.

She knew who I would forgive or at least talk to first and who I would need more convincing to give another chance. She must have also come into

my room and taken everything else I had so I had no choice but to wear what she packed me. Although, there is no other scent but mine. Sneaky,

meddling woman. I’ll have to ask her about that.

At least she packed me my own underwear, bra and jeans, but she gave me Oliver’s tank top, a t-shirt of Kota’s and Cam’s sweatshirt. And they all

smell like they had worn them just before she packed them. I roll my eyes while I roll up the sleeves on the sweatshirt and head outside. I had to tuck

the hem of the shirt into my pants too since it goes all the way to my knees, this takes the fashion term “oversized’ way too far. I give Sam a serious look

“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. You will notice your brother and I didn’t contribute to the cause.” He waves up and down my outfit.

“That doesn ‘t mean you didn’t help with the removal of my other options.” I say as we start heading toward the school, clearly neither of us are in a hurry to get there, we’re already late, I’m so far ahead in my classes the teachers stopped caring when I come and go. They also probably notice

there are less incidents with Kaley when I’m not there. And he’s the future Delta, primary schooling is just a formality. He hands me a granola bar and

water bottle, and I just roll my eyes and laugh. He and Mateo are taking the malnutrition diagnosis to heart. What they don’t know, is I’ve gone longer

on less food. But that is not something I am going to tell them after all of this crap.

‘[so while we are talking about being your escort…”

“How did you make that jump from Luna Ava’s choice of my outfit?”

“Don’t change the subject! You are still going to the ball with us right? You can’t go alone, none of us can, it’s not safe for so many reasons.” He

laughs darkly. Plus now that you have been officially recruited by the Alpha King you may not get to go to another one.”

“I guess, this is just a lot. With everything else going on, the Mating Ball just seems stupid, especially for me. I’m only fifteen, still super awkward

around anyone who isn’t you guys and Sierra and I can’t dance. I can’t even find my mate for three more years.

Our elders are lazy and it seems like many of them are just using the ball to try and force chosen mates to heighten status or as political strategy to

connect packs. I wouldn’t want to be in any of your positions, at all, basically paraded around like cattle at an auction.

“You’re no different really, are you?” He looks at me sideways

“What do you mean?”

“They way your dad talks, that’s basically what you

are being paraded around for too. So a guy can level up his rank or you can get chosen by an Alpha or, I guess now, some higher rank from the Alph:

King’s guys since you clearly have ALL of their attention now.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes back at him.

“I guess I never really saw myself in that position before, my brother is the Beta, not me. I’m just a warrior. It’s all I have ever wanted to be, it’s all I’m

good at.”

“You have never been just a warrior, but that is why you need to stick with us and maybe give us a little slack when we have a less than pleasant

reaction to other guys around you. You honestly have no idea how others see you and that is great, because your ego will never be your downfall.

But, it’s also dangerous because it makes it too easy for someone to take advantage of you. And yes jealousy is a part of that, but none of the other

guys will ever admit that to your face.”

He gives me a sheepish grin and I giggle a real laugh for the first time in days.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!
My Secret, My Bully, My Mates by Miss L

My Secret, My Bully, My Mates by Miss L

Score 9.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: English
This is a three part series all in one place. Skylar just wants to be an asset to her pack. She's the daughter of the Beta and her brother is set to take the title after graduation. Her father wants nothing to do with her and is constantly belittling the things she does accomplish. She is the top of her class at school and the top warrior, but no one knows because she hides in the shadows as much as possible.Her bullies torture her, but never get caught. She takes them on time and time again though to protect other innocent members of her pack. Her brother and his friends ignore her existence and all she wants to do is get out of a pack that doesn't seem to want her and become an Elite Warrior for the Alpha King. She wants to feel wanted and accepted somewhere. Her whole world changes when a new girl shows up and decides to befriend Skylar after an intense training session. She brings Skylar out of the shadows and brings to light the darker side of pack members and pack culture. Can Skylar get past her past and live the life she wants? Chapter 1 Skylar just wants to be an asset to her pack. She's the daughter of the Beta and her brother is set to take the title after graduation. Her father wants nothing to do with her and is constantly belittling the things she does accomplish. She is the top of her class and the top warrior, but no one knows because she hides in the shadows as much as possible. Her bullies torture her, but never get caught. She takes them on time and time again though to protect other innocent members of her pack. Her brother and his friends ignore her existance and all she wants to do is get out of a pack that doesn't seem to want her and become an Elite Warrior for the Alpha King. She want's to feel wanted and accepted somewhere. Her whole world changes when a new girl shows up and decides to befriend Skylar after an intense training session. She brings Skylar out of the shadows and brings to light the darker side of pack members. Can Skylar get past her past and live the life she wants? ****************** Skylar 6th grade: I’m walking into school behind my brother and Oliver, one of his best friends. They really don’t pay any attention to me and only let me follow them to school because Mary makes them bring me. Mary is my nanny, she has been with me as long as I can remember. My dad is the beta of the pack and really busy, so Mary was brought on to teach me how to ‘behave like a lady,’ which basically means teach me to be silent unless spoken to and out of the way of the men. She does nothing of the sort, but my dad doesn’t know that, as long as I make a good show when he’s around. ...............


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