I can’t think of that right now though. I have to keep my head focused and use the strengths I do have. No doubt Oscar has called for back-up but it is going to take a bit for them to get here. My rogue wolf charges again, mouth wide open not even trying to disguise his form of attack. I can smell the rotting sewage scent from his mouth. I wonder if that is just from killing a bunch or if that’s a rogue thing?
Something to pack away and ask later. I roll out of the way at the last second sending his bulk barrelling past me and I go on the offensive, chasing him down. He is leading me toward the other two rogues standing guard, he really isn’t that smart if he thinks I can’t see the ambush coming.
I pick up speed just as he’s getting close to the first one and jump, sending all four of my paws into his side and knocking him into his buddy, sending them both toppling in a heap of legs and fur.
In my single minded focus though, I lost track of the other sentinel, until he came up and sliced his razor sharp teeth into my back leg, instantly dropping me to the ground. I roll around keeping him in my sights. He doesn’t seem to want to kill me though. He’s content with me being on the ground, injured. He only snaps at me if I try to get up or scoot away. His bulky body is blocking everything else. I can still hear fighting on the other side of him, but I don’t know who it is and I can’t link with my friends to check on them.
The pain in my leg is starting to subside. This rogue is letting me just lay here and heal, but he also doesn’t know that I am a fast healer, Thank you Alpha blood. I just need a couple more minutes, the feeling is coming back to my foot now that the wound has closed and I’ve stopped bleeding out everywhere.
I am about to pounce when a feral and dominating growl rips through the clearing and I hear thunderous pounding of paws on the ground. My opponent makes the mistake of looking away from me and I jump up, sinking my teeth into his neck and lock my jaw. He can toss and roll all he wants, I’m not letting go until our back-up arrives and he can be interrogated. Five rogue wolves don’t just stumble onto the Alpha King’s territory and start a fight for no reason.
The blood in my mouth tastes disgusting, but I won’t let go even though my gag reflex is telling me to do just that as the warm, thick liquid rolls down my throat. My teeth are slowing the flow down so he won’t die quickly, but he won’t get a second chance to hurt anyone.
The noise of fighting grows around me as warriors storm the clearing. I still can’t see Oscar or Mina which makes me nervous. The warriors make quick work of the other rogues and an enormous black wolf with the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes walks up to me and the rogue I am trying to contain. The black wolf looks at me and his eyes soften for a brief moment and then look back at the rogue and go murderous. Then I feel the aura blast from him with a growl that pulses from his chest, vibrating through everything in the clearing. The Alpha aura that causes everyone to stop moving except for a large gray wolf with black markings along his face and down his head to his shoulders and me. Xander and Alpha Reggie.
I slowly let go of my rogue and stumbled sideways, my leg still healing and not really liking the body weight placed on it now that adrenaline is starting to subside. I refuse to fall or sit down though. These jacka*ses don’t get to see that they were able to injure me so easily in case they were reporting to someone we can’t see.