I make it to my room and want to immediately open my letters, but something in my gut tells me Audrina isn’t done with me today. And while I don’t think the letters are illegal in any way, if she does stop in my room, I’m not giving her any other reason to be nosey. I’ll try and get to them when | am doing homework tomorrow or this week sometime.
That will give me a chance to respond as well.
My gut instinct was not wrong. I was able to hop ina quick shower and just got into my pajamas when she burst into my door without knocking, something I will be questioning tomorrow. She stands just inside my open door and | am standing in the middle of my room, not backing down from her cold stare.
“Make sure you are up and ready on time for training in the morning. You have time to make up.” I just nod my head, there isn’t any point in arguing and did actually know about this extra training, so I am prepared for it. “What no snarky comeback or b*tchy attitude?”
“The extra training on Sundays is on my schedule, so | am prepared to be there. The attitude only comes when one is unnecessarily directed at me. I don’t know why you don’t like me, but I was chosen just like everyone else to be here.
I was brought here early by the Alpha King and Warrior Osiston, you do not have a Say in my being here now. Like everyone else | am here to learn and do a job. You do not have to like me, but I am currently your teammate. All! ask is that you treat me like one. This will go more smoothly for the both of us if you do.”
Her lip curls into what should probably be an intimidating face, but she just looks like she wants to throw up or like she might poop herself. I try not to let that image make me smile, it would be wildly inappropriate and so not helpful right now. I’m not sure how long we stood there staring at each other but it was long enough that I had to stifle a yawn. She finally just turns and leaves without another word or a backward glance. This girl really does have something not right about her and I need to figure it out, before she smothers me inmy sleep. – Sunday went as expected and Audrina was, well not nice in any way, but she didn’t outwardly cause me problems once we joined the rest of the warriors for morning training. We were actually done by 9am and had free time until evening training right before dinner, which only consisted of a five mile run through the training territory.
During my down time in the middle of the day | holed up in one of the study rooms and tore through my letters before | even thought about starting my homework.
Each of my friends put their own flare on their letter. I could tell only the twins had any knowledge in how to formulate and write a full communication type letter, which makes
sense considering they are training to be the next Alphas.
They would have to draft letters for treaties and peace agreements and other regular communications between packs that maybe couldn’t be sent electronically.
Sam’s was the funniest. He wrote in single sentences as if he was writing a one way text message stream, bullet-pointing what has been happening since | left so abruptly and informing me that by leaving | took his two favorite people away at the same time and he might die of loneliness. Ever the drama king.
Mateo’s letter apologized more times than I can count for what happened to me and when he finds out who did this they are going to die a slow and painful death.
Oliver was not so blunt in his threat to whoever caused me so much harm, but it was implied. He actually mentioned that seeing me that broken will haunt him forever. That is the most emotion he has ever verbalized to me. He mentioned that | better come back stronger and with at least ten more pounds or he will also have words with Warrior Brogen about my care.