“How exactly do | introduce you”
“I’ll show you.” Is all | get as we reach my friends. They all stand politely and just stare. “I’m Alpha Prince Alexander.”
He holds his hand out to Lillian first, who introduces herself a little breathlessly. Then to Wyatt, who answers politely, but has a clear look of sizing him up. I don’t feel any tension from either, just clearly unsure where the other stands in my life. Nathaniel also answers politely, but almost inaudibly.
Maybe nerves, interesting.
“It’s good to see Sky has made such a tight group of friends. We were afraid some might try to use her for her talents or to improve their own skills at her expense.”
“We?” Wyatt asks.
“There are more than a few interested in her well being.” He implied so much with that little comment. I’ll have to remember | owe him a punch to the gut for that the next time we spar. And I try to let him know to knock it off with my side eye. He just uses it as an opening and cups my cheek with one hand. “You know it’s not a lie.” He smiles his devastating smile and | just roll my eyes.
“My well being is just fine, Thank you very much.” I try to step out of the embrace. He lets his hand drop from my face but keeps the other firmly planted on the small of my back.
“We would never let anything happen to Midge. Although she seems to be very capable of taking care of herself, sir.”
Wyatt finally tries to come to my rescue.
“See, I’m all good. No babysitters or anyone needed to check up on me and you can take that back to whichever one made you do this.” | Xander just continued like | said nothing. “Midge, huh?”
“Yes sir, Midget, just kind of stuck.” Wyatt shrugged. “She’s just this tiny little mighty midget, but if you don’t like it, we can stop.”
My mouth fell open. “What?! You would change my nickname if he didn’t like it?” Xander is doing a terrible job hiding his smile and Wyatt just shrugs. “Unbelievable, and stop laughing Xander.” | elbow him in the side and he hisses but is openly smiling now. My friends gasp a little. I’m not sure if it’s because used no title for him or assaulted him. ”
Go back to your side of the training territory.”
“Awe, don’t be mad, I told you, there are perks.” He pulls me back into his side for a quick hug. “! do have to get back though, I will see you saturday. Walk me out.” He pulls me back to the door.
“Did you really have to do that? Now they will have a whole bunch of questions that I really can’t answer and I don’t want to lie to them. You all are jackasses, you know that?” | giggle at him and then get a brilliant idea as we step outside. I jump at him wrapping my arms around his neck and he instinctively wraps his arms around my waist to hold me up to his tall frame. I don’t let go as | ask. “Are you going straight back to your training grounds?”
“Yes, why?” He tries to pull back, but I hold on tighter for just a moment longer before jumping down.
“I want to know who is the most irritated with my scent being all over you?” | smile my sweetest smile and wave at him as he goes a little pale. Barty coughs a laugh, clearly having knowledge of my situation. And | shut the door in Xander’s face.